Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Positive habits versus negative habits

People often consider that habits are negative. This is a sign of the times, where we have tended to become slaves to learnt behaviour. However a habit is simply something that we have learned to do through repetition, and therefore repeat it further without much thought. The habit becomes a learned behaviour and a typically automatic one.

As with most things, our balance of perception tends to fall towards emphasising the negative. We tend to remember all the bad stuff that happens during the day! Likewise we tend to remember all of our "bad" habits. However there is no negative monopoly on habits!

Spend some time considering your positive and negative habits, perhaps list them. The add a further list of positive habits you would like to have. Be reasonable and realistic since only through repetition will an action become a habit.

Start to be aware and mindful of the habits you have listed as negative. When you are about to fall into that habit, think about the fact you are doing so. At that point the habit ceases to be a habit, and becomes a choice. Now you may still choose the old behaviour, but that will now be because you chose it, not because of any habit. Be honest with yourself about this, since often we blame our choices on "habit" as an excuse not to change or improve them. Move to the position of choice and then make your decision. Either stick with your negative behaviour, or exercise your right to choose a new outcome. With practice this exercise becomes easier and we let go of automatic behaviour, choosing instead to exercise freedom of choice and decision making.

As far as your positive list goes, celebrate the good habits, smile, remember and reinforce!

As far as your desired habits go, begin to implement them as choices, and repeat, repeat, repeat! Only this way can the new habits start to become ingrained and automatic.

Above all else remember - negative habits are not an excuse.... merely realising you have them gives you the beginning of the ability to change!

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