Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Setting goals - Morita principle

A few more ideas from Morita training to consider when planning a goal, or avoiding procrastination!

1. The difference between intention and action
Beware of the trap of thinking about doing things! Sometimes we overthink so effectively that we convince ourselves that we have actually DONE something, when all we did was think!

2. What leads to action?
Try to shorten the road between idea and action! This is one way of reducing overthinking! When you remember something that needs doing, GET UP and move towards that thing, BEGIN the process of DOING. Once you have made a movement towards something it actually requires a decision to avoid it, but until movement is present, you can procrastinate forever!

3. Steps
Nature moves slowly - we see it in evolution, nature, the seasons, the course of the day. Nothing is instant. However we WANT things instantly. You want a new skill, you want it NOW, you want more money or a better job -  NOW please! This goes against nature. Learn to break down the end goal into steps and then take action! Do not be frozen by the size of the goal, the idea of it being too far away, too much hassle, break it down and get started! Little steps like move to the phone, make the call and ask for the application forms for a job or course.... do not get into contemplating and overthinking the entire course!!!

4. Have a clear purpose
Be clear in your mind WHY you want to do something, and do not let the habit of overthinking cloud that thought or suppress it! Overthinking is a form of distraction, taking focus away from what is needed. Keep the clear goal in mind and keep reminding yourself of WHY you are bothering to make that effort!

5. Show up
Sometimes getting yourself moving towards the right place is the key to getting the action underway. Do not worry about whether you really feel like the gym today -  just throw on the clothes and get there.... then see what happens! It takes far more dedicated procrastination to avoid doing something when you are in the right place at the right time! Get moving, and worry about the details later!

In Morita we often use the Kaizen concept of making small changes very often. This is a concept borrowed from industry. It can be easily understood if you consider having a whole house to tidy. If you consider the whole house then the task is pretty big and easy to run screaming from. If you consider tidying a small area, but doing this every day, then after a few days a real difference starts to occur, but without the need for overwhelming effort. Do not scare yourself into inaction, do a little each day, be it study, exercise, housework, job seeking, meditation.......

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