Wednesday 8 June 2011

Buying chinese herbs for own personal use

For some time I have benefited from the herbal combinations sold by local Chinese herbalists. The problem is that they pressure you to buy ever increasingly large volumes of pills, potions, massages, acupuncture and other forms of healthcare that run into many hundreds of pounds! If you are simply looking for some effective herbs to sort out sinus problems for example, you can look at various cheaper alternatives.

1. Online chinese herbalists providing complete remedies in tablet form
2. Buy the herbs yourself and brew tea. With this route it is entirely at your own risk, although frankly if you stick to the safer herbs and read the safety warnings about pregnancy etc you should not have too many problems. You also need to stew the tea for a long time for potency - keeping the liquid hot using a tea light candle under the tea pot is one way, for about half an hour. You can even mix in prepared chinese herbs and dissolving remedies from local chinese supermarkets. Do not expect a nice taste though!

Herbs can be googled from the names on the side of bought packets and their various latin, chinese and common names then searched on ebay and via herb stores like baldwins.

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